What Makes a Good Writer? (originally written by Zadie Smith)

Mario López-Goicoechea
4 min readApr 15, 2017
Illustration by Garrincha

Corrective criticism, AKA failing to be the sort of thing I rather like

Far from the system critic there is another critic, let’s call him the corrective critic, who prides himself on belonging to no school, who feels he knows his own mind. He is essentially meritocratic, interested only in what is good, and good for all time. If a reputation is artificially inflated he will deflate it if another is unrecognised he will be its champion, regardless of fashion. He is not, as Kingsley Amis once accused his son of being, a leaf in the wind of trend. His criticism is the expression of personal taste and personal belief — the most beautiful kind of criticism, in my opinion. But there is something odd here: he fears that his personal taste is not sufficient. It is not enough for him to say, as the novelist has, this is what I love, this what I believe. He must also make his taste a general law. It is his way or the highway. To understand the problem with corrective criticism, we have to return more fully to the idea of a writer’s duty. I said earlier that it was each writer’s duty to tell the truth of their conception of the world. It follows that each writer’s duty is different, for their independent visions must necessarily each have a different emphasis, a different urgency. In his Varieties of Religious Experience William James, while…

