Diary of a Separation

Mario López-Goicoechea
4 min readMay 27, 2018

Monday 9th April 2018

How old is too old to find yourself in possession of a car for the first time in your life? In my case, it is forty-six years old. As everything else in my life right now, my emotions were mixed. I felt nervous throughout the whole process; the close inspection of the vehicle, the payment of the deposit and the various telephone enquiries regarding insurance. Yes, I was a wreck of nerves, even if I did not show it. At the same time a strong sense of confidence and pride swept through me. I’m picking up my automobile tomorrow, once the insurance and other bits and bobs are sorted. I left the car dealer’s office today with a spring in my step and singing (in my head) Roger Taylor’s famous lyrics: Oh, The machine of a dream, such a clean machine/With the pistons a pumpin’, and the hubcaps all gleam/When I’m holding your wheel/All I hear is your gear/With my hand on your grease gun/Mmm, it’s like a disease, son.

Yes, the singing had to be in my head. There is no way I can hit Taylor’s high notes.

Tonight I went for a five-mile run. It’s my last run before the Brighton Marathon on Sunday. It felt good. I could have gone for a bit longer but I want to save some energy for Sunday. The music helped me a lot. Reminder to self: update your playlist before the run on Sunday. First track to be included: Roger Taylor’s I’m In Love

